Practice focused trainings

Our trainings resemble a talk over coffee more than an academic lecture. We cut the distance, as we do not want anybody to feel awkward in our presence. During trainings, we convey legal knowledge in an approachable way.

What does our work consist in?

We provide our Clients with, among others, the following services:

  • Trainings for management and particular company departments.
  • Workshops, simulations, interactive webinars.
  • Preparation of educational materials to be used during internal trainings.
  • Cyclic ‘briefings’, summarising current legal changes and market tendencies.

Trainings can increase company safety . However, nobody wants to listen to legal jargon.

We transfer good atmosphere to a training room where we treat our listeners as partners.

We are aware that, as a matter of fact, we learn one from another. We do not have the need to preach ‘ex cathedra’.

Do you have
any questions?
Contact us.


+48 690 422 350
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