Managing contracts and procedures with an optimising focus

We are not afraid to indicate solutions thanks to which a Client will more seldom engage us in the current work. What counts for us is the fact that we will optimize the process of concluding agreements or applying procedures. We address our services within this sector to all Clients – plants, distributors, marketing companies, healthcare entities, doctors’ practices, veterinary clinics, pharmacies, etc.

What does our work consist in?

We provide our Clients with, among others, the following services:

  • We support automation of contracts in a company (not everything must be done by people).
  • We conduct negotiations, agreeing rules and schedule with the other party.
  • We advise on changing procedures and contract templates – to make Client’s life easier.
  • We draw up contracts according to Client’s needs.

What matters most is the time saved and good atmosphere while working on documents.

Both in life and in work we embrace ‘win-win’ principle. That is why, while drawing up contracts and procedures, we do our best to reconcile contradictions – regulatory requirements and the need to ‘act efficiently’, divergent interests of a Client and his business partner.

We do not begrudge time for conversation but we do not have time to spare when it comes to repetitive activities that do not require lawyer’s participation.

Do you have
any questions?
Contact us.


+48 690 422 350
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