Advising in development strategy (distribution, reimbursement, marketing)

Distribution, reimbursement and marketing are the areas that require a comprehensive approach. One cannot overlook risks involved in sector regulations, competition law or compliance. We assist our Clients in striking the right balance between development and risk.

What does our work consist in?

We provide our Clients with, among others, the following services:

  • We show possible models of operating on the market.
  • We advise on the choice of distribution structures.
  • We draft distribution, agency and logistic service agreements, etc.
  • We help in safe implementation of trade marketing tools.
  • We evaluate marketing strategies.
  • We advise in market access strategy.
  • We conduct reimbursement proceeding.
  • We draft contracts from marketing, sponsoring and associated activities areas.

Distribution, reimbursement and marketing are leverages for our Clients’ business development. We advise how to use them safely.

Do you have
any questions?
Contact us.


+48 690 422 350
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