Evaluation of materials prepared by a Client
Even the most effective advertising will not bring a result, if it must be later hastily withdrawn from the market. We are aware how important marketing is for our Clients, but we do not miss out on regulatory safety. We demonstrate such approach not only towards marketing materials but also other documents (educational brochures, internal procedures, contracts, trade policies, regulations, etc.).
What does our work consist in?
We provide our Clients with, among others, the following services:
- We evaluate marketing, educational and associated materials.
- We correct contracts, regulations, procedures, etc.
- We assist in implementation of systems for automated materials evaluation.
- We simplify the language of internal procedures and contracts.
Sometimes you do not feel the need to have a document drafted by lawyers from scratch. However, you would like to be sure that someone will notice the risk for you.
Lawyers are not most important, but they can come in handy. Another person’s glance may protect you from an unnecessary discussion with supervisory authorities, competitors and clients.
Do you have
any questions?
Contact us.

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