Contacts with authorities and proceedings

Effective communication with authorities is a challenge. Even the best arguments lose their appeal if we do not match means of expression with them. In relations with authorities we strive to build the atmosphere of mutual trust, not losing the sight of merit arguments.

What does our work consist in?

What counts is not only arguments but also the way of communication. The atmosphere of mutual trust cannot be imposed, but it is possible to help create it.

We provide our Clients with, among others, the following services:

  • We conduct administrative proceedings and court-administrative proceedings.
  • We try to apply alternative dispute resolution methods (for ex. mediations with authorities).
  • We initiate contact with business associations in order to obtain additional support.
  • We take over contacts with an authority as soon as the Client no longer feels comfortable in relations with an authority.
  • We advise in communication strategy with authorities.

Do you have
any questions?
Contact us.


+48 690 422 350
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